Debugging Kanzi Studio plugins

Debugging a Kanzi Studio plugin

To debug a Kanzi Studio plugin:

  1. In Visual Studio create and build your Kanzi Studio plugin. See Creating the base for a Kanzi Studio command plugin and Creating the base for a Kanzi Studio window plugin.
  2. In Windows Explorer create a shortcut from your Kanzi Studio plugin .dll and move the shortcut to %ProgramData%\Rightware\<KanziVersion>\plugins.
    By default Visual Studio builds the .dll of your plugin in C:\Users\<UserName>\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\<ProjectName>\<ClassLibraryName>\bin\Debug or Release directory.
  3. In Visual Studio add the break points where you want to debug your plugin.
  4. In Visual Studio select Debug > Attach to Process ..., in the Available Processes select KanziStudio.exe and click Attach.
  5. Open Kanzi Studio and run the plugin.

Using the Kanzi Studio Command History

Use the Kanzi Studio Command History to view the commands you have executed in a Kanzi Studio project.

To open the Command History window in the Kanzi Studio main menu select Edit > Command History or press the Ctrl Shift U.

In the Command History window:

See also

Kanzi Studio plugins

Creating Kanzi Studio command plugins

Creating Kanzi Studio window plugins